Latest spirit price updates week of 12th April 2021
Populous -PPT prices as follows –
2nd Q – $28, 3rd Q – $90, 4th Q $110
Litentry – LIT Spirit did not really like the energy of this one. Maybe because it will not be here at the end of the year. Got definitely not here in 2022. Will make some gains in the hype which I expect to peak about August – Sept there abouts so in that timeline sometime LIT could reach $40
Verasity – VRA Good energy but very slow. Under 0.10 this year. 2022 – 0.35 and 2023 – around $1
OriginTrail – TRAC This one is good and steady progress. 2nd Q – $3, 3rd Q – $6.60 and into 2022 – $14 this could change closer to timeline with gathered strength.
Latest spirit price updates week of 20th April 2021
BCH will get to $1190 in box 2 of CR2
Harmony One now to $1 in box 2 of CR2
NEO will get $75 in box 2 of CR2
Polymath to $3.60 in box 2 of CR2
Polygon – matic $10.20 in box 2 of CR2
Utrust now to $16 in box 2 of CR2 a huge jump with great energy felt when talking to spirit about this one. I feel great energy for it.
All the rest of CR2 Alts prices same for box 2. Will continue to check as we go along in time.
Theta in CR1 will be up around $20 around the end of April beginning May. Got told to buy more.
Other coins I have briefly looked at –
ZAP – now 0.18 2nd Q – $1 and around height market peak 3rd Q – $3 – $9
Aergo – $1 to run up, not seeing it long term.
Orion Protocol ORN – $13 now – 2nd Q – $20 3rd Q – $56
XRP will do a 5 x coming up. So at the time of reading this was at $1.30. I got around $7 2nd Q , 3rd Q – $12 and 4th Q- $13.40. I am getting a slowing for many in the timeline of fourth quarter.
This is what I have so far, more info coming!
Bidao BID – 0.018 now towards 0.16 3rd/4th quarter will have to look at this one again but I get slow energy for it. Next it seems to do so much better, 2022 – $22
Reef – I get similar energy for it is slow progress, not getting much past 0.27 but next year does so much better.
Kardiachain – Kai again similar slow progress this year but much better next year.
So those last three are a good indicator for profit funds flip end of year. Maybe we have plenty of time to buy in these at end of this year for greater gains next year. I will need to look at these ones energy later on.
Ecomi – Sorry was not great energy at all. I got most likely will fade away, may not be here end 2022.
Unibright – now $1.90 sorry I got not a good investment at the moment. People loose on it.
Cardano – ADA, what’s not to love, great energy! 2nd – $8.50 and 3rd Q $33 will be checking energy and prices again closer to end of year to get better price updates.
Solana – got good energy for this one. Get it at $46 in 2nd Q and around $100 in 3rd Q this year.
Elrund – Great energy for this one spirit likes this one. Strong moving forward. I have been guided to buy this one so buy orders around $140 over mark. This one in 2nd Q – $300 and 3rd Q – $680
Ok, my Beautiful Souls this is all I have for you at the moment. I will post here regularly as I do new coin requests and get intel.
Namaste, Blessings always, Jule 🙏