A strong connection with SELF is the most powerful precious knowing in life.
You don’t get it being around other people. Of course, it’s great to have others come into your life to grow, learn, love and share with but they are not the ones that give you a strong connection to yourself and your own universal light that shines brightly.
This is only achieved through being alone, processing in your own company and being ok with who you are. We can certainly go through things in life whereby we don’t like who we are or experiences that have crossed our paths but the being alone time gives us that time for reflection. To look within and honestly self-access yourself and situations in your life. If you do this outside of the ego and go within to face the shadows within. Then this truly becomes the magic, the allowing, the forgiving, the acceptance and the surrender. This becomes the phoenix rising up or in the tarot the tower moment of collapse and then the Sun card stating everything is yours, the world is yours to make manifest anything your heart desires. That’s the energy connection and understanding you feel. That’s true wealth, empowerment and is the most precious thing in this life of ours.
It’s the birthright you knew before you came in but now that you are here living your life, you are constantly bombarded, distracted, told to fill your life with crap by media and society so there is no empty space in your time whereby you may get lonely and have time to think for yourself. This is the manipulation that is the matrix (society) that does not want you to find your true self and shine.
Stand your own ground, close the door, say no not tonight, take time out, go within, be alone, it’s a beautiful thing to love one’s own company and leave the noise behind. This is where you find true empowerment!
Much love always, Namaste